“The poverty or misrule which has overborne large numbers of the subjects of European monarchies, and the attractions which have been offered by the United States to many who desire to better their fortunes, have, for some years past, turned an immense current of emigration toward our shore. [...] The emigrant, ignorant of our institutions and laws, often ignorant of our language, necessarily in all cases unimbued with the traditional and native sentiment which give life and permanence to our institutions – a sentiment without which no American citizenship can be relied upon as the support of a true American policy – has been permitted, after the probation of a few years, to be brought into the circle of national fellowship, armed with all the powers for good or evil which belong to the natives of the soil.
Nor is this all that enters into the topic of our complaint. A very considerable portion of this yearly emigration, perhaps the majority of it, is evidently, and, without meaning any disparagement, we might say bigotedly attached to a church which is regarded with jealousy and suspicion by the greater number of our people.”
American Party: In den frühen 1850er Jahren wuchs die nativistische, fremdenfeindliche Bewegung rasch an, die aufgrund der großen Einwandererzahlen entstanden war (Höhepunkt 1854/5). Ursprünglich als know-nothings eher geheimbundartig organisiert, nahm sie bald als American Party erfolgreich an Wahlen teil. Ihre ideologische Herkunft war der Anti-Katholizismus, damit richtete sie sich in erster Linie gegen Iren und Deutsche. Die Sorge bestand darin, dass der Protestantismus in der USA und damit Demokratie und Moral gefährdet seien. Ab 1856 gingen die meisten ihrer Wähler dann in die neu gegründete Republican Party über.