Carlo Alberto, by the grace of God King of Sardinia, of Cyprus and of Jerusalem, etc., etc., etc. With the faithfulness of a King and the affection of a Father, We come today to undertake what We announced to Our well-beloved subjects with Our proclamation of 8th of February last, with which We had wished to demonstrate, in the midst of the extraordinary events which surround the country, how Our trust in them is growing with the gravity of the circumstances and how, taking council solely of the impulses of Our heart, how firm is Our intention to align their future to the ideas of the time, to the interests and the dignity of the Nation. We, considering the broad based and strong representative institutions contained in the present Constitutional Statute the most reliable means of redoubling those bonds of indissoluble affection which draws around Our Italian Crown a People, who have given Us so many proofs of faith, of obedience and of love, We have decided to approve it and to promulgate it, trusting that God will bless Our pure intentions and that the Nation, free, strong and contented, will show itself increasingly worthy of its ancient renown and will be capable of meriting a glorious future.
Therefore, certain in Our knowledge, with Royal Authority, having had the opinion of Our Council, We have ordained and We ordain into force as Statute and Constitutional Law of the Monarchy, in perpetuity and irrevocable, the following:
Art. 1. - The Roman, Apostolic and Catholic Religion is the only State Religion. The other beliefs now present are tolerated, so long as they conform to the law.
Art. 2 – The state is ruled by a Representative Monarchical Government. The Throne is hereditary according to Salic law.
Art. 3 – legislative power will be exercised collectively by the King and by two Chambers, the Senate and that of the Deputies.
Art. 4 – The person of the king is sacred and inviolable.
Art. 5 – Executive power belongs to the King alone. He is the Supreme Head of State: He commands all forces of land and sea; he declares war: He makes treaties of peace, of commercial and other alliances, informing the Chambers as soon as the interests and security of the State allow and adding such information as is opportune. Treaties which involve a burden on the finances of, or a variation in the territory of the State will not come into effect until after the approval of the Chambers has been obtained.
Art. 6 – The King makes nominations to all State offices; and makes the decrees and regulations required for the execution of the laws; He may not suspend them or exempt their observance.
Art. 7 – The King alone approves laws and promulgates them.
Art. 8 – The King alone may grant pardon and commute sentences.
Art. 9 – The King will convoke the two Chambers in each year: He can extend their sessions and dissolve the Chamber of deputies, but in this last case He will convoke another within the limit of four months.
Art. 10 – The right to propose laws will belong to the King and to each of the two Chambers. However, every law imposing taxes or for the approval of the finances and accounts of the State will be first presented to the chamber of Deputies.
Art. 24 – All citizens of the kingdom, whatever their title or status, will be equal before the law. All will enjoy civil and political rights in equal measure and will be admissible to civil and military office, save those exceptions determined by the law.
Art. 25 – They will contribute without distinction, according to their wealth, to the exigencies of the State.
Art. 26 – Individual liberty is guaranteed. No-one can be arrested or brought before a court except in those cases provided for by the law and in the form which the law prescribes.
Art. 27 – The home is inviolable. No entry to a home may take place except as allowed by the law and in the form which the law prescribes.
Art. 28 – The press will be free but a law will restrain excesses. However, bibles, catechisms, liturgy and prayer books cannot be printed without the prior permission of the Bishop.
Art. 29 – All property, without any exception, is inviolable. However, when the public interest, legally established, requires it, one can be required to cede it in whole or in part in return for an equitable indemnity in conformity with the law.
Art. 30 – No tax can be imposed or collected if it is not approved by the Chambers and sanctioned by the King.
Art. 31 – The Public Debt is guaranteed. Every obligation of the State towards its creditors is inviolable.
Art. 32 – The right is recognised to gather peaceable and without arms, keeping to the laws which regulate this activity in the interest of the public good. This disposition does not apply to gatherings in public places, or open to the public; such (gatherings) remain entirely subject to police laws.
Art. 33. – The Senate is composed of members, not limited in number, nominated for life by the King and being over forty years of age. [...]
Art. 39. – The elective Chamber is composed of Deputies chosen by Electoral Colleges in conformity with the law.
Art. 40. – No Deputy may be admitted to the Chamber unless he is a subject of the King, has reached thirty years of age, enjoys civil and political rights and fulfils the other requisites required by the law. [...]
Art. 49. – Before being admitted to the exercise of their functions, Senators and Deputies will swear to be faithful to the King, to faithfully observe this Statute and the laws of the State and to exercise their function with the sole objective of the inseparable good of the King and the Fatherland.
Art. 50. – The function of Senator or Deputy do not involve any retribution or indemnity.
Art. 51. – Senators and Deputies cannot be called to account for opinions issued by them or for votes given in the Chambers. [...]
Art. 65. – The King nominates and recalls His Ministers. [...]
Art. 68. – Justice emanates from the King and is administered in His Name by the judges whom He installs. [...]
Art. 71. – No-one may be subtracted from his natural judges. Tribunals or Special Commissions cannot, therefore, be created. [...]
The uprising in Venice and the proclamation of the Republic
In Venice, a city under the domination of the Hapsburg Empire, on 17th March a large popular demonstration inspired by sentiments of independence forced the Austrian governor to free Tommaseo , Manin and other patriots imprisoned the previous January; on the following day, with another impressive demonstration, the residents asked for, and obtained, the formation of a civil guard. On the 22nd of the same month the whole city, in an almost bloodless protest, freed itself from Austrian domination and proclaimed the Venetian Republic, with its own democratic ordinances, entrusted to the leadership of Tommaseo and Manin, which was to survive until 29th August 1849.