- Destruction and reorganization of the city after WWII: New traffic routes, easier traffic regulations and a car-friendly city. [JPG Image]
- Berliner Allee as the new north-south axis. [JPG Images]
- Burgplatz: Transformation of traffic conveyance und infrastructure 1910 (upper picture) and 1975 (lower picture). [JPG Images]
- Urban district Oberbilk / Main Station 1934 and 1974: Deconstruction of the industry in the inner city, construction of new living space after WWII. [JPG Images]
Curricular level
- History and geography classes. Topics: „political and economic education“ (secondary level I). „economy and work“, „environmental challenges for politics and economy“, „production – technical advancement – structural changes“ and „environmental challenges / relationship between economy and environment.“
- Politics, society and economy in Germany after 1950, i.e. after WWII
- Life in the emerging industrial society of the 19th century.
After WWII, Düsseldorf was mostly destroyed. The reorganization of the city after WWII followed – at least partly – plans that originated in the Third Reich, aiming at a car-friendly city. The economic development and the individualization of traffic required a new traffic concept.
- Broadening the roads and easier access to the city thanks to north-south and east-west axes.
- The increasing individualization of traffic leads to the increased traffic volume. At the same time, the local public transport was developed.
- Dismantling the industrial areas in the city.
Conceptual Objectives
- The pupils interpret diverse contents with the use of different pictures.
- The pupils understand the changes between the times before and after WWII.
- The pupils recognize the different times the pictures were taken and discuss the changes.
- The pupils understand the increasing individualization of traffic.
- The pupils learn how to deal with historical pictures.
- They combine the materials together and find solutions independently.
- They understand the scale of the destruction of WWII and its influence on the planning of the city.
- They learn about the changes in the (public) transport.
- They think about their own environment.