Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood
In the name of the French People
The provisional Government,
Considering that slavery is an attempt against the human dignity; That by destroying the free will of the man, it abolishes the natural principle of the right and the duty; That it is a blatant violation of the republican dogma: Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood.
Considering that if actual measures did not follow of very near the proclamation already made by the principle of the abolition, it could result in colonies the most pitiful disorders,
The decree:
Art. 1.
Slavery will be completely abolished in all the colonies and the French possessions, two months after the promulgation of the present decree in each of them. From the promulgation of the present decree in colonies, any corporal punishment, any sale of not free persons, will be absolutely forbidden.
Art. 2.
The system of commitment in time established in Senegal is abolished.
Art. 3.
The governors or the general police superintendents of the Republic are charged to apply the set of measures appropriate to assure freedom in Martinique, in Guadeloupe and dependences, in Isle of Reunion, in Guyana, in Senegal and the other French establishments of the Occidental coast of Africa, in Isle Mayotte and dependences and in Algeria.
Art. 4.
Are pardoned the ancient slaves condemned to afflictive or penal punishments for facts which, imputed to free people, would not have entailed this punishment. The individuals deported by administrative measure are called back.
Art. 5.
The National Assembly will settle the quota of the reparation that should be granted to the colonists.
Art. 6.
Colonies cleansed of the servitude and possessions of India will be represented to the National Assembly.
Art. 7.
The principle that the ground of France frees the slave, who gets it, is applied to colonies and possessions of the Republic.
Art. 8.
In future, even in foreign country, it is forbidden every Frenchman to possess, to buy or to sell slaves, and to participate, either directly, or indirectly, in any traffic or exploitation of this kind. Any malpractice against these capacities will entail the loss of the quality of French citizen. Nevertheless the Frenchmen who will be reached by these prohibitions, at the time of the promulgation of the present decree, will have a delay of three years to conform to it. Those that will become owners of slaves in foreign countries, by inheritance, donation or marriage, should have to, under the same punishment, free them or alienate them for the same delay, from the day when their ownership will have begun.
Art. 9.
The Minister controlling the navy and the colonies, and the Minister of war are charged, each one in his line of duty of the execution of the present decree.
Made in Paris, in council of the Government, on April 27, 1848