Bibliography and Webgraphy
- – website devoted to contemporary migration processes. Part of the portal which deals with social problems mainly of the American countries.
- – article from the OECD press body (OECD Observer) that make comments on contemporary emigration of people from different countries.
- – web portal on immigration issues in the contemporary world.
- – website devoted to contemporary migration, part of the portal which deals with social problems.
Teacher Bibliography and Webgraphy – document summarizing research conducted on behalf of the OECD on issues of contemporary emigration in the world.
Chwalba A. (2005). Historia Polski, 1795-1918. Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Janion M. Żmigrodzka M. (1978). Romantyzm i historia. Warszawa.
Jones H.M. (1974). Revolution and Romanticism.
Kalembka S. (2003). Wielka Emigracja. Polskie wychodźstwo polityczne w latach 1831-1862. Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.
Lyons F.S.L. (1963). Internationalism in Europe 1815-1914. Leiden.
Walaszek A. (2007). Migracje Europejczyków: 1650-1914. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
Zajewski W. (1991). Europa i świat w epoce restauracji, romantyzmu i rewolucji 1815-1849. T. 2. Wydawnictwo „Wiedza Powszechna”.
Żywczyński M. (1997). Historia powszechna 1789-1870. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Other sources
La Note bleue (The Blue Note), directed A. Zulawski, 1991, France.
Chopin. Pragnienie miłości (Chopin: Desire for Love), directed by J. Antczak, 2002, Poland.